
Shots And Thoughts From An Ordinary Guy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nothing To Shoot Today

I am in a hotel in Eugene today and have been here far too long to be enjoyable. I arrived last night at around 10:45 and I am not due out until after midnight tonight. I have gone running, shopping, slept, and surfed the web so many times I think I have developed carpel tunnel syndrome.

While out and about there was really nothing today that struck my interest to shoot a picture of so I thought I would dig through some of my picture archives and see what was in there to post. This evening Grayson and Austin were supposed to go fishing with Grandpa Bruce, but it was postponed and rescheduled for another day. In the spirit of fishing... I decided to post some of the kid's fishing successes here. Hope you enjoy them...

1 comment:

Ed Carey said...

How do you get invited to go fishing? LOL
Great pictures Happy for the boys.