
Shots And Thoughts From An Ordinary Guy.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Nick and Friends

Sunday afternoon Lori spent many hours in the kitchen cooking up her masterpiece "red sauce enchiladas." She had a sort of big occasion to prepare for and wanted the afternoon to be extra special. Ryan (left) and Chad (right) are leaving for the Army this week and she wanted to send them off with their belly's full and their heart's warmed.

Ryan and Nick have been best buddies since they met in 1996. They have been through a lot together and spend a significant amount of time with each other. Chad has been friends with both Nick and Ryan for quite some time now and Ryan and Chad are making the commitment to serve our country for the next four years.

I am hopeful for these two young men and I am looking forward to their safe return. Lori has been like a second mom to Ryan since he lives only with his dad so she feels a special connection to him. I know she will be praying for the two of them for the weeks to come.

Chad and Ryan, we wish you the best in your adventure in the military. Be strong, stay safe, watch each others back. May God be with you both.


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