
Shots And Thoughts From An Ordinary Guy.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

American Idol "Shout To The Lord"

Off the topic of photo blogging and tulip blooming for a minute... I was watching American Idol "Idol gives back" tonight and it closed with a very familiar Christian worship song "Shout to the Lord". The first line was altered and the word Jesus was omitted and replaced by the word Shepherd, but other than that it was word for word the same as the praise song we sing in church on Sunday mornings. Refreshing to say the least. Now Ben stiller coming out to an empty stage and auditorium and dropping a few "f" bombs only seconds after the song was over took a little away from the moment but all in all it was quite commendable.

Mariah Carey also gave praise to Jesus in her final song tonight. What is this world coming to when our mass media executives are allowing the name of the Lord on TV? Hopefully it is an indication that we are turning more to God and recognizing that He is our comfort, strength, and shelter. The entire premise of this show is to give much needed resources to those in Africa with aids and malaria. And to give funding to programs in impoverished American cities with very little hope, etc... What better way to give back than to honor God and draw from Him.

I was amazed at the decision from Fox to perform such a song as this in the face of millions of viewers. It is nice to say "Good job corporate America" for a change. Even if the motivation might be ratings... God still gets the glory.

just a thought


1 comment:

KCarey said...

Thanks for posting the Praise Song. I missed Idol, and it was nice to sit here an worship Jesus.
Thanks again

Ps 71:18
